
Assignment 06 - Toggle Case

Write a JavaScript program that accepts a string as input and swap the case of each character. For example if you input 'The Quick Brown Fox' the output should be 'tHE qUICK bROWN fOX'.

Write some text in the input field below.

$(document).ready(function() { String.prototype.toggleCase = function() { var stringArray = this.valueOf().split(''); // Turn string into array stringArray =, index, stringArray) { if (current.toLowerCase() === current) { return current.toUpperCase(); // If a character is lowercase, switch to uppercase } else { return current.toLowerCase(); // Else, switch to lowercase } }); return stringArray.join(''); // Join array into string again } $('.toggle').click(function() { var stringText = $('.data input').val(), emptyField = stringText.split(' ').join(''); // If this gives an emptty string, then only spaces are entered if (emptyField === '') { $('.result p').html('Please enter some visible characters.'); } else { $('.result p').html('Toggled string is: <span>' + stringText.toggleCase() + '</span>'); } }); });