
Assignment 08 - Most frequent array item

Write a JavaScript program to find the most frequent item of an array.
Sample array: var arr1 = [3, 'a', 'a', 'a', 2, 3, 'a', 3, 'a', 2, 4, 9, 3];
Sample Output: a ( 5 times )

Enter an array of items, separated by comma, in the field below.

$(document).ready(function() { function getArray(input) { var array = $(input).val().split(','); // Split string on comma array =, index, array) { if (current.trim() === '') { return current; // If item is only whitespace, then return untrimmed } else { return current.trim(); // Else, trim whitespaces } }); return array; } function countItemFrequency(array) { var occurences = {}, i; for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!occurences.hasOwnProperty(array[i])) { occurences[array[i]] = 1; // If occurences object does not have this array item as own property, add it and set its count to 1 } else { occurences[array[i]]++; // If occurences object has this array item as own property, increase its count by 1 } } return occurences; // Returns an object with array items and their number of occurences as properties } function getMostFrequentItem(object) { var mostFrequentItem = null, frequency = 0, item; for (item in object) { if (object[item] > frequency) { frequency = object[item]; mostFrequentItem = item; } } return ('Most frequent item in the array is "' + mostFrequentItem + '", occuring ' + frequency + ' times.'); } $('.count-items').click(function() { if (!$('.data input').val()) { $('.result p').html('Please enter an array in the field.'); return; } else { console.log(JSON.stringify( countItemFrequency( getArray('.data input') ), null, 4) ); $('.result p').html( getMostFrequentItem( countItemFrequency( getArray('.data input') ) ) ); } }); });