
Assignment 22 CB - Word count

Have the function wordCount(str) take the str string parameter being passed and return the number of words the string contains (ie. "Never eat shredded wheat" would return 4).

Enter an sentence in the field below.

$(document).ready(function() { function wordCount(str) { var wordsNum = 0, len; str = str.split(' '); len = str.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (str[i].trim() !== '') wordsNum++; // If words are separated by more than one space, we will have empty strings in the array, which we do not count } return wordsNum; } $('.count').click(function() { var string = $('.data input').val(), message = ''; if (string === '') { message = 'Please enter a string in the field.'; } else { message = 'Alphabetized string is: <span>' + wordCount(string) + '</span>'; } $('.result p ').html(message); }); });