
Assignment 1 - Find the Longest Word

Write a function findLongestWord() that takes an array of words and returns the length of the longest word.

Change some words in a given list below to see the code at work. Click on the word to edit it, leave empty filed to delete or click add button to add a new word to the list.

wordsArray = [

  • 'sea',
  • 'mountain',
  • 'programming',
  • 'workout',
  • 'chainsaw',
  • 'miracle',
  • 'telephone'


The longest word in the array is "", in the position , with the length of characters.

$(document).ready(function() {
function getWords() { // Get array of words from a list of elements and returns it var wordsSet = $('.array-code li span'), wordsArray = []; $.each(wordsSet, function(index, value) { wordsArray[index] = $(value).text(); }); return wordsArray; } function findTheLongestWord(array) { var maxWordLength = 0, longestWordIndex = 0; array.forEach(function(element, index, array) { if (element.length > maxWordLength) { maxWordLength = element.length; longestWordIndex = index; } }); return { // We are returning an object with the longest word, its position in the array and its length word: array[longestWordIndex], position: longestWordIndex, wordLength: array[longestWordIndex].length }; } function printTheLongestWord(wordObject) { var longestWord = document.querySelector('.longest-word'), longestWordIndex = document.querySelector('.longest-word-index'), longestWordLength = document.querySelector('.longest-word-length'); longestWord.innerHTML = wordObject.word; longestWordIndex.innerHTML = wordObject.position; longestWordLength.innerHTML = wordObject.wordLength; } printTheLongestWord(findTheLongestWord(getWords()));
/**********************************************************************/ /***** EVENT HANDLING AND CONVENIENCE CODE *****/ /**********************************************************************/ $('ul.array-code').on('click', 'span', function() { var parent = $(this).parent(), // li element oldWord = $(this).text(); $('input').hide(); // Hide any already openned input fields $('input').parent().find('span').show(); // Show any hidden spans $(this).hide(); // Hide span that is currently being edited parent.find('input').show().val(oldWord).focus(); $('').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }); $('ul.array-code').on('keydown', 'input', function(event) { var key = event.which, parent = $(this).parent(), // li element newWord, nextElement =, previousElement = parent.prev(), previousElementText = previousElement.find('span').text(); if (key === 27) { // On Esc remove input filed for new word or hide it if editing existing word if ($(this).hasClass('new-word')) { parent.remove(); } else { $(this).hide(); parent.find('span').show(); } $('').removeAttr('disabled'); } if (key === 13) { newWord = $(this).val(); if (!newWord) { // If there are no characters in the input filed, then delete list item parent.remove(); if (!nextElement.html()) { // If we are removing last item, then remove comma from the previous item previousElement.empty(); previousElement.append('\'<span>' + previousElementText + '</span><input type="text">\''); $('').removeAttr('disabled'); } } else if ($(this).hasClass('new-word')) { // If enetering new word, then add comma to the previous list item previousElement.html(previousElement.html() + ','); $('').removeAttr('disabled'); } $(this).removeClass('new-word').hide(); // After adding new list item, remove class .new-word and hide input filed parent.find('span').removeClass('new-word').show().text(newWord); // Remove class .new-word from the span element, show it and populate with entered word $('').removeAttr('disabled'); printTheLongestWord(findTheLongestWord(getWords())); // Lastly, determine new longest word } }); $('').click(function() { // Add new list item with span and input elements $('ul.array-code').append('<li>\'<span class="new-word"></span><input class="new-word" placeholder="Enter new word">\'</li>'); $('').show().focus(); $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }); $('button.clear-words').click(function() { $('ul.array-code').empty(); // Clear all words from the array }); });