
Assignment 2 - Calculate sum and product of a given array of numbers

Define a function sum() and a function multiply() that sums and multiplies (respectively) all the numbers in an array of numbers. For example, sum([1,2,3,4]) should return 10, and multiply([1,2,3,4]) should return 24.

Click on the 'New array' button to enter some numbers, separated by comma, to calculate their sum and product.

numbers = [5, 6, 8, 4, 3, 2, 9, 2]

The sum is 0

The product is 0

$(document).ready(function() { function getNumbers(element) { var nums = element.text().split(','); // We get array of strings nums =, index, nums){ return currentValue * 1; // Type coercing, turning strings into numbers and stripping any whitespace }); return nums; // Returns an array of numbers } function sum(array) { var sum; sum = array.reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array) { return previousValue + currentValue; }); return sum; } function multiply(array) { var product; product = array.reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array) { return previousValue * currentValue; }); return product; } function calculate(array) { $('.result .sum').text(sum(array)); $('.result .product').text(multiply(array)); } calculate(getNumbers($('.array-data'))); /**********************************************************************/ /***** EVENT HANDLING AND CONVENIENCE CODE *****/ /**********************************************************************/ $('.new-array').click(function() { var currentNumbers = getNumbers($('.array-data')); $('.array-data').hide(); $('.data input').show().val(currentNumbers); $('input').focus().select(); }); $('.data').on('keydown', 'input', function(event) { var key = event.which, newArray, oldArray = $('.array-data').text(); if (key === 13) { newArray = $(this).val(); // On Enter we are reading input values $(this).hide(); $('.array-data').show().text(newArray); calculate(getNumbers($('.array-data'))); } if (key === 27) { $(this).hide(); $('.array-data').show().text(oldArray); // On Esc we are returning previous values into array } }); });